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Biblical promises to build faith

Jennifer Rogers

New Member
The biblical promises of our beloved Lord are eternal. Let us remember that our God is not a liar, nor is he a man who fails to fulfill his biblical promises. So go in and find out how you can get it.

1. Fulfilling God's Promises

God always fulfills, above the will of man, His promises. His Biblical promises will be fulfilled, only faith is essential. Of course, it takes patience, waiting, trust, acting with great discernment, and unceasing prayer.
Everything will be done in its time, neither before nor after, because God Himself promised it, and God is not a liar. Before we continue, it is important to mention one of the great promises in the Bible that God has for us. This refers to when we feel alone and we are facing difficult situations, we must remember: “When he crosses the water, I will be with thee; and if by rivers, they will not drown you.” (Isaiah 43:2)
We can be absolutely certain that God will always deliver what He promises. This is based on His identity as God, as the Bible assures us. There's no way we doubt it.
God made promises in the Bible to all the major leaders in the Bible, such as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Daniel and Paul, and others. Making an empty Biblical promise goes against your completely divine nature. A clear example is found in the Bible “God is not a man, therefore He does not lie. He is not a man, so He does not change His mind” (Numbers 23:19).

2. How many promises of God are there in the Bible?

There are 3573 Biblical promises of God in the Bible, there are many examples of offerings, such as biblical promises to children, and biblical promises to women as well as to men.
As you can see, there are many things, the most important of which is to remember that they are all valuable to God's children who decide to obey Him.

3. Classification of promises in the Bible

The Bible says there are two types of promises in the Bible, a conditional promise and an unconditional promise. Some biblical promises are conditional, which means that a condition must be fulfilled in order for the aforementioned sacred oath to be fulfilled.
In James 4:7 it says, “Therefore, humble yourselves before the Lord. Fight the Devil, and it will run away from you.” In the previous verse, it expresses such a view, that we must meet the conditions it offers: humble ourselves and resist the devil. Our participation is decisive for its completion. What is this verse intended to teach when we experience temptations, like this example, there are many biblical promises in the Bible, but with one condition. There is a yes, and anyone, once you do this the following will happen. Unconditional things on the other hand are defined as the offerings of Our Grandson that will be fulfilled without any kind of condition, no matter what happens. Example: “Yes, I confirm my agreement with you. Floodwaters will never kill all living things; Never again will another flood destroy the earth.” (Genesis 9:11)
That offer applies worldwide and obviously has no conditions to meet, prior to its implementation. In line with the above, I invite you to reflect and investigate, if there is a certain unfulfilled promise in your life, ask yourself if you have fulfilled the condition of that promise.
Wonderful Post ! Just one correction on the Picture the passage is Psalms 37:24. I only notice this because I have Psalms 37:4 memorize.