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Choosing a Candidate for Election


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For me the first thing want to know about a potential candidate is what they believe. Meaning the worldview that they filter everything though in making decisions.

Are they Christian? If so what denomination, or claims to faith do they follow?

Since I am a Christian I am going to choose a Christian over a non-christian.

For me if a candidate is unwilling to talk about their faith or try to hide it then that is a red flag for me.

I don't care so much how eloquently you speak, what you look like, many committees you were on, or what college you attended, how many degrees you have or how long you may have served previously.

If you don't put God first then none of that really matters.
Worst election year I have ever seen.

The RNC power plays stopped a good Christian, Cruz, from being nominated. The refused to remove Trump and replace him with Cruz, which they could do.

A lot of people have left the Republican Party and there is an effort under way to create a Conservative Party.

This is a lot like when the Republican Party began and replaced the Whig Party.

As for who to vote for, no good choices.

Clinton and Trump are not Conservative or Christian.

Some of the 3rd Party candidates claim to be, but, their platforms are bad for the county. They do not stand a chance of winning.

I am saying Trump or Clinton is going to win. Right now Clinton is on top.

Since the RNC dug in to backing Trump, we have looked at all the issues. The Supreme Court is the clear priority.

Clinton has made it clear she will nominate judges who do not follow the Constitution, but a liberal agenda.

Trump claims he will nominate conservative judges and has put out a list of prospects to support that claim.

Clinton is guaranteed put ones on that will destroy the country for the next 30 years. Trump is a gamble. Neither will be good for the country for the next four years.

More good could, I stress could, come from Trump. Nothing good from Clinton.

The Congress is a disaster and cannot be depended on for Christian and conservative values.

With that shining and inspiring analysis, we are voting for Trump.

God punishes nations that refuse to follow him. That is where we are today, I believe.

These truly are the end times. On some political sites I post on, many agree.
I agree Clinton is much much much worse and a greater danger.
The fear with Trump is that since he has no morals, that if he is elected then he will follow whatever his Washington contacts tell him to do to keep things stable in Washington.

Four years of Trump really isn't going to fix anything, and 4 more years of the socialist agenda from Clinton will drag us down even further than we are now.

Trump is a pure crapshoot that could flip flop at any moment on any issue because he is so volatile. Plus if he was elected the media would constantly burn him at the stake for every little thing causing even more divisiveness.

I really don't like my hand being forced into voting for someone not because they are the better candidate but just to keep the other more dangerous candidate out.

But then God has offered up these two choices since He is the one in control. Neither of them are godly, so which do you choose?
Or do you choose none? Do you surrender your vote and let an ungodly secular majority decide for you?

Is there even a biblical example of this scenario we can refer to for guidance?
Trump does not follow orders. He does what he wants.

While nothing can be fixed in 4 years, Clinton can destroy the Supreme Court and Constitution via the Court for the next 30 years.

The US created the situation where these are our choices. God allowed them to be our choices.

God used Babylon to punish Israel with the captivity.

Then Persia took control from Babylon, allowing the peoples they conquered to keep their own religions. A gain for Israel.

Ungodly as he was, God CHOSE Cyrus, King of Persia, to be the instrument of the restoration of Israel.

Plus more times where God used ungodly people for his purposes.

I see it as boiling down to the Court being the key for our Christian freedoms and any hope for the future.

So, here we are, with one terrible candidate vowing to protect those liberties and put conservatives on the Court.

It is either gamble on Trump or guarantee loss with Clinton.

We could have had Cruz, but thanks to the RNC, we do not.

The GOP has to go. New Conservative Party or we are truly cooked as nation.

What do we lose voting for Trump over Clinton? Nothing I can see.

What do we gain sitting back. Nothing.
Well said and I agree.

Another key point about Clinton is that she is a globalist who said in her emails that she is for open borders and free trade.

Clinton admires Angela Merkel as a role model and that should send up red flags everywhere. If elected she will become America's Angela Merkel.

Any particular foreign leader whose executive stewardship you admire and might want to emulate as president?

Well, I have to say that I highly admire Angela Merkel. I’ve known Angela since the 1990s, she and I actually appeared on a German TV show together. I have spent personal time with her. She is, I think, a really effective strong leader and really right now the major leader in Europe, not just in Germany. I admire her political skills and her principles, her strong work ethic. I just find her to be an incredibly important person in the world today and I look to her to see how she’s managed it.


Some news agencies are running scared and doing all in their power to elect Hillary Clinton (CNN in particular) and I find that particularly offensive. They are not fooling anybody and are destroying any credibility they have.

If news agencies were covering important distinctions of policy instead of trying to bolster Hillary (no matter what) then I believe Trump would have a chance.

He still scares me but not as much as the alternative.

Well that was interesting to say the least.

Now what is scary is that those that oppose what they disagree with are making it quite clear they have no intention of tolerating ANYTHING outside of their own agendas.

The votes were cast and its over.
I know in my own lifetime I have never seen people rioting on American streets because their candidate did not win.
Did this ever happen during the 50's or 60's or earlier?
This as a spiritual war.

I don't think it will calm down.

They're trying to silence us with.
In the long run I agree, but remember who is leading these charges. Uninformed youth that have short attention spans.
They don't even know what the electoral vote is for and why it exists. Their candidate didn't win so they want to get rid of it?
Even Trump said it should be gone.

I have to keep in mind that God is preparing everyone for a great deception. I'm stupefied by the deception I see now, and really don't understand how it can possibly get any worse without people just completely losing their minds, all sense of common decency or civility.
One of the checks and balances of our Republic is that the media/press's role is supposed to keep the corruption of those in power in the spotlight by reporting these things in an unbiased fashion to the public.

Not only is that long gone now they believe that by censuring opposing views they are doing some kind of service to the public. Starts with Twitter it looks like, so where does this end? By who's definition of "hate speech" do they get to envoke what gets censored and what does not? Who appointed them judge and jury of free speech?

They want to keep certain voices of the alt-right (whatever that is) quiet ok...are you keeping members of the Muslim Brotherhood or Black Panthers quiet? Just where does this end?

Have we completely lost our minds here?

Why don't they just start taking notes from China and Russia about censuring for the "common good" of the people. See how well that worked out?