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Who Is The Final Prophet

Thine Own Way Lord

Getting Started

Muslims claim that the Mohammud's Quran is the final word, message and last book to mankind - yet after Mohammud and his Quran - -

have spent hundreds of years writing hundreds of thousands of eXtra additional _ added Hadith and more books and documentation materials that are added upon added prophecy, revelation and spiritual claims in order to build the religion, philosophy and completion of the faith of Islam.

every Muslim today is a prophet unto themselves -
the Quran is not the final completed word

- the additional added Hadith and books and documentation materials that are added to complete the Qurans prophecies and revelations - - these are what Islamic world rely upon because their Quran is incomplete

not having all the necessary or appropriate parts within the Quran -

Muslims have spent hundreds of years writing thousands of eXtra additional _ additions Hadith - books and document of prophetic spiritual materials that are needed to be inserted and added concerning the Quran

Muslims are saying -
the Quran is simply not sufficient or adequate for Muslims - to serve and obey the creator.

-every Muslim must add additional prophecy and added revelation upon the Quran, the Quran itself is not sufficient nor the final book - in fact the Quran is impossible to be understood in the context of modern Islamic faith unless the Muslim relies upon hundreds of years additional PROPHECY - REVELATION and EXTRA SPIRITUAL CLAIMS - writing as _ additions_ Hadith - books and document of prophetic spiritual materials that are needed to be inserted and added upon most everything concerning the Quran

that means that thousands of Muslims have come along after Mohammud and have provided additional revelation and prophecy to compound upon everything Mohammud had already put forth as the Final Prophet


Doesn’t it seem that the most unrealistic, delusionary, just ought right bizarre and comical, ludicrous and outlandish ridiculously weird part about the entire religion of Islam seems - that here, Mohammad claims that the contents of his spiritually received message were already there all around him.

Mohammad claims that Islamic Torah and Gospels were already there with him at his time already confirming his very exact message.

Yet we see the Muslims of his day running around frantically, in a frenzied reverence just to go about scratching and etching upon stones, bark, wood and animal skins, just to etch and scrawl something down that was already written in the Torah and Gospels.

All they had to do was go to a village or a city just a few miles away and make a copy and translate the scriptures. Yet, Islam goes through this entire process of processing all of this information through another spiritual entity called Gee – briel “ an angel “ all of this information that was already written down and with them in the very same exact land where they lived.

We could understand this delusionary event if this happened many, many miles away from the Middle East. But Muslims lived next to the Jews in neighboring cities, they had vast opportunity to trade and travel with merchants and religious people.

They had plenty of opportunities to make copies and translate the bible into Arabic…. Yet they go around scrawling and scratching and etching on leaves, bark, wood and sticks and rocks and skins, something that was already in the same area where they lived.

This is not prophetic revelations or spiritual messages - this has nothing WHATSOEVER to do with SPIRITUAL prophecy and revelation.
To repeat stories and passages of a book that already supposedly already exists - just a few miles down the road that anyone in the area can easily obtain. ! This is not the actions of a spiritually received prophet revelation and has not a single thing to do with prophecy.

But they refuse to translate the Torah and Gospels, they re- process all of these currently existing scriptures and past accounts of historical data through a spiritual medium in the spirit world.
And they had possession of these very books with them and this information was already claimed to be written down and there with them where they lived..

This reminds me of the verse in Surah 94:
Surah 94: “ So, (O prophet,) EVEN IF YOU ARE IN DOUBT about what We have sent down to you, ASK THOSE WHO READ THE BOOK (revealed) before you. Surely, truth has come to you from your Lord, so NEVER BE AMONG THOSE who are suspicious.”

Here, the Quran is commanding people to believe in the Torah and Gospels and take these books as Gods word and as truth, and to not be among those - who are suspicious…..

Yet all the Muslims had to do was simply take a short journey to a nearby city or ask among the passing caravans for a copy of the scriptures, yet they don’t do that…. They are the very ones who are acting in complete suspicion, as they never take the time to just pick up a bible, instead they use Mohammad to contact some unknown, unseen spiritual identity - to tell them what a book says that already exists all around them - just a few miles from their doorstep.

Surah. 3:3-4 Allah has sent down upon you the Book with the truth, confirming what is BETWEEN HIS HANDS ( and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel before this, as guidance to the people .

Surah Al-Maeda 68: “ Say, “ O people of the Book, you have nothing to stand on, unless you uphold the Torah and the Gospel and what has been sent down to you from your Lord.”

Surah Al-E-Imran 70: “ O people of the Book, why do you disbelieve in the verses of Allah while you are yourselves witnesses (to those verses)?”

3:2-3“Allah, sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel.”

I further find every proof - that the Quran itself is stating that Mohammad will provide “ no miracles, no signs “ and nothing will be given as a sign - to show that Mohammad is a prophet and that his message is true.

However, these clear DENIALS, denunciations and complete rejections are very clear in the Quran. And this is concerning both - Mohammad’s very prophet hood and the denials of any signs, miracles and wonders done by Mohammad, these are the main content of message of the Quran.

Kindly Muslims who just simply have never read the Quran nor the Bible often ask Christians to just reach out and place their finger upon just a single verse that says, Yahoshua is making a single clear statement to say directly, the words “ I AM GOD

While uneducated Muslims never take the time to read their own Quran to notice that not only did Mohammad
never once say the words “ I am a prophet “ but, Mohammad denied himself, repeatedly time and time again - that he was a prophet. In fact this stern denial - was one of the main points of his Message.

We do not find Mohammad making any type of personal statements concerning himself as to claim to be - a so – called prophet. Not only does Mohammad never say the words “
I am a prophet “ but he clearly affirms that he is nothing more than an apostle, a plain warner, and just simply - a PLAIN guide.

Surah 17:90-93: The people asked Mohammad to show them a sign that he was sent from Allah by showing them a miracle. - Mohammad always was unable to perform a single miracle.

He simply declared saying” Say, “Glory be to my Lord. Am I any more than just a human messenger ?

In - Surah 10 The (unbelievers) asked Mohammad , “Why has Allah not given a miracles,
Here, Mohammad tells them that there will never, ever be any miracle, no matter how long they have to wait for one.

Mohammad concluded in telling them that " IF YOU WAIT TOO LONG - for a miracle - then " - I too shall be waiting with you " In other words, Mohammad knew already that he was never, ever going to be performing miracles and he admitted he was not WITH Allah - concerning signs, prophet - hood status and miracles. Surah 67:25-26: They asked Mohammad - when will this promise be fulfilled, if you are truthful? - Mohammad said - Say, God alone has knowledge of that; and I am ONLY a plain warner.

Muhammad could not perform miracles of any kind. As Allah stated: “Muhammad you are only a warner.” The term “ only a warner ” expressed that Muhammad was not qualified to perform a single miracle. All he could do is use threats and express violence to warn people about the risks of denying a message he received from an invisible spiritual deity he sometimes called “ Jee brieel “
One of the core and central misunderstandings that good hearted and faithful Muslims share is that neither Muslims have no New Testaments manuscripts for their faith systems specifically regarding the " Injīl, " / Gospels

meaning that - for the Muslims, Muslims simply never preserved anything whatsoever concerning the " Injīl, " / gospels, yet the Quran clearly describes, , saying that the Injīll was sent down from Allah.

yet Muslims have never preserved, protected nor safeguarded even a single page or single verse of - Injīl

Muslims also never preserved, protected nor safeguarded even a single page or single verse of the Torah

the majority of Muslims rely completely upon Trinitarians to decide for them - what the Injīl says - as Muslims rely completely upon Trinitarians to translate the message of the Injīl

Everything the Muslim community engages upon pertaining to the Bible Translation is a total and complete dependency - relying - anticipating and granting of what the Trinitarian Translation says in translation - - the original message of the manuscripts have no purpose, meaning or role in what Muslims regard as they refused to preserve protect or safeguard the Bible at any time,

in fact it was more important for Islam historically to destroy and prohibit any Bible manuscripts or translation of any kind
These facts can be found here


" Saadia Gaon " was a Jewish Scholar who lived under Islamic Law and Islamic Rule. Everything He did had to be approved by an Islamic court of law. " Saadia Gaon " began production of an Arabic Bible but there is no record of His final productions and it was never in circulation. And scholars have noted that His Arabic Translation was filled with many errors and deviations away from the original manuscripts and produced an Arabic Bible that was worded in favor of the message of the Quran.

He was translating for an Islamic society - and the Muslims had no concern for translating it correctly – and they had never translated any of the Bible themselves. - but they pretended to be interested while He worked on it... . And the Muslims never copied it nor circulated it.

This Arabic Bible is also believed to be known as = The Mt. Sinai Arabic Codex 151 ( of 867 AD )

When they found this Arabic Bible they needed two hours just to decipher just two lines of the translation. It was like working with a secret code that no one understood. The dots which ordinarily distinguish various letters of the Arabic alphabet were omitted and were mostly unreadable and filled with errors throughout the translation.

This Arabic transaction is called Codex 151 and has the word Yassoua - not “ Isa “ as described in the Quran - for the name of Jesus / Yahoshua. -

And this translation also had the word Allah to mean God. While living in an Islamic Country in Iraq - the translator " Saadia Gaon " was a student at Islamic schools and he would never come to finish and correctly translate nor COMPLETE nor circulate the transition.

This Arabic Bible Translation of 867 AD - only contained parts of - the Pauline Epistles, plus the book of Acts and the General Epistles. This rest of the manuscript volume is missing and may be lost forever.


Even in the past when Jews have lived in Islamic countries - the Muslims forced and compelled the Jews to translate the Bible into Arabic and forced them to insert the word " Allah " as the name of God.

Saadia Gaon translated the Hebrew Bible into Arabic while living in Babylonia from 882-942 CE under Muslim rule. Only if he completely altered the Bible to give it an Islamic rendering could he attend and complete his degree in his studies at the University Of Bagdad.

And when - Saadia Gaon had completed his Arabic translation of the Bible, under Islamic Law and Islamic renderings -
the Muslims threw away and completely abandoned his translation.