Jesus did not exist in the OT. He was a promise, concept, etc.
Many misunderstand the linguistics. In the Bible, many words mean to speak of something not yet done as done. That applies to the OT references to Christ.
God (Elohim) means three or more working as one. It is a uni-plural meaning singular in usage but plural in composition.
God is spirit, not flesh.
Theologically, in the OT it was the First, Second and Third Persons of the Triune Godhead (Trinity).
At the Incarnation, the First Person sent the Second to be put in Mary via the Third. Since then they are known as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Father being the non sexual source of the male side of the flesh of Jesus and Mary the female side.
Not being via a human father, Christ was conceived sinless. As the First Man was created sinless Christ was conceived sinless.
Yet, because of Mary, he is human from the line of Adam.
Adam was created innocent in spirit and body. He had no idea what sin was, so when he sinned he was not held accountable.
Understand here, the Bible says no one is accountable for sin they do not know is sin. As God revealed to Man additional things that were sinful they became more accountable, but also more able to earn rewards.
So, did Adam and Eve sin when innocent? Yes. But they were not held accountable.
Sin increased when they were told not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good an Evil. They now knew, so when Eve ate, she sinned and the Tree gave here even more knowledge of sin.
Long story short, she obtained the Law of Conscience, meaning an inherent knowledge of things good and bad. We know it as having a Conscience.
When she tempted Adam and he ate, she was accountable for the temptation, Adam for listening and eating and he gained the Law of Conscience.
Many don't think about it, but when God called out the them, why did they hide? Because they were naked and new it was wrong to be so before God. Not before each other, which should be noted, since they were a couple, married or whatever term you wish to apply.
When that sin occurred, their flesh became sin tainted and they died spiritually.
Sin increased, again, with the giving of the Mosaic Law. Then again with the coming of Christ.
Why did God take on flesh?
It is Biblical principle an innocent can pay the penalties of another.
But, for sin, there are no innocents. The blood of lambs in the OT was a token, a symbol only of the blood of Christ to come and their repentance.
God cannot die, so he had to take on the flesh that could die. It was required for Man to pay for the sins of Man.
On the cross, the flesh of Christ died, his humanity, not his spirit, which is God.
Since he is God and sinless, his spirit in Hell could not be held there. His purity was too great and there was no justice in his being there, so he resurrected.
The OT prophesied the virgin birth. The Temple was a shadow of the Heavenly Temple, the oil lamps the 7 Angels of the Covenant, the lampstand the Mosaic Covenant, the High Priest Christ as our High Priest and the spotless lamb on the cross, the blood price for our salvation.
The lampstand of the Mosaic Covenant was replaced by the 7 Lampstands of the Church, with the same angels continuing as the Lamps fed by the Holy Spirit. Enoch and Elijah will be the Two Witnesses of the first 3.5 years of the Trib heralding the Second Coming. They are also the Two Lampstands of the New Covenant that begins at the Rapture/First Seal/Revealing of the AC.
I mention the 7 angels, Holy Spirit and the Lampstands since they represent God's Covenants with believers, the blood work on the earth and are active agents of salvation and to set up the next point.
For the First Coming, the Incarnation, John the Baptist is described as Elijah. As does Elijah before the Second Coming he preached Christ's mission on the earth, his baptism with the Holy Spirit and more.
What was Christ's 3.5 year mission? To preach the Gospel of his coming, sacrifice and salvation for Man. To warn and try to bring Israel back to God. Failing that, to establish the Church for the time between the cross and the Rapture.
Only God could bring salvation to Man. To do so he had to take on flesh and pay an unbelievable price out of pure love.
The plan and work of salvation began with Adam and Eve. It is still progressing today.
In all of it, Christ is the center and and reason behind all things for us.
Many misunderstand the linguistics. In the Bible, many words mean to speak of something not yet done as done. That applies to the OT references to Christ.
God (Elohim) means three or more working as one. It is a uni-plural meaning singular in usage but plural in composition.
God is spirit, not flesh.
Theologically, in the OT it was the First, Second and Third Persons of the Triune Godhead (Trinity).
At the Incarnation, the First Person sent the Second to be put in Mary via the Third. Since then they are known as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Father being the non sexual source of the male side of the flesh of Jesus and Mary the female side.
Not being via a human father, Christ was conceived sinless. As the First Man was created sinless Christ was conceived sinless.
Yet, because of Mary, he is human from the line of Adam.
Adam was created innocent in spirit and body. He had no idea what sin was, so when he sinned he was not held accountable.
Understand here, the Bible says no one is accountable for sin they do not know is sin. As God revealed to Man additional things that were sinful they became more accountable, but also more able to earn rewards.
So, did Adam and Eve sin when innocent? Yes. But they were not held accountable.
Sin increased when they were told not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good an Evil. They now knew, so when Eve ate, she sinned and the Tree gave here even more knowledge of sin.
Long story short, she obtained the Law of Conscience, meaning an inherent knowledge of things good and bad. We know it as having a Conscience.
When she tempted Adam and he ate, she was accountable for the temptation, Adam for listening and eating and he gained the Law of Conscience.
Many don't think about it, but when God called out the them, why did they hide? Because they were naked and new it was wrong to be so before God. Not before each other, which should be noted, since they were a couple, married or whatever term you wish to apply.
When that sin occurred, their flesh became sin tainted and they died spiritually.
Sin increased, again, with the giving of the Mosaic Law. Then again with the coming of Christ.
Before time began the Logos, the reason behind all, was both God and with God. The Second Person is God and was with the First and Second Persons. Separately and together they are God.John 1
New International Version (NIV)
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning.
The Second Person took on flesh then, not before. Jesus did not exist until the conception. He became, not come as, flesh.14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
Why did God take on flesh?
Adam and Christ were perfect, no sin. Adam, the First Man sinned and fell, condemning all of Man to follow. Christ, the second Man, never sinned and took the sins of the repentant on himself and died in our place.1 Corinthians 15
45 So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living being”; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit.
It is Biblical principle an innocent can pay the penalties of another.
But, for sin, there are no innocents. The blood of lambs in the OT was a token, a symbol only of the blood of Christ to come and their repentance.
God cannot die, so he had to take on the flesh that could die. It was required for Man to pay for the sins of Man.
On the cross, the flesh of Christ died, his humanity, not his spirit, which is God.
Since he is God and sinless, his spirit in Hell could not be held there. His purity was too great and there was no justice in his being there, so he resurrected.
The OT prophesied the virgin birth. The Temple was a shadow of the Heavenly Temple, the oil lamps the 7 Angels of the Covenant, the lampstand the Mosaic Covenant, the High Priest Christ as our High Priest and the spotless lamb on the cross, the blood price for our salvation.
The lampstand of the Mosaic Covenant was replaced by the 7 Lampstands of the Church, with the same angels continuing as the Lamps fed by the Holy Spirit. Enoch and Elijah will be the Two Witnesses of the first 3.5 years of the Trib heralding the Second Coming. They are also the Two Lampstands of the New Covenant that begins at the Rapture/First Seal/Revealing of the AC.
I mention the 7 angels, Holy Spirit and the Lampstands since they represent God's Covenants with believers, the blood work on the earth and are active agents of salvation and to set up the next point.
For the First Coming, the Incarnation, John the Baptist is described as Elijah. As does Elijah before the Second Coming he preached Christ's mission on the earth, his baptism with the Holy Spirit and more.
What was Christ's 3.5 year mission? To preach the Gospel of his coming, sacrifice and salvation for Man. To warn and try to bring Israel back to God. Failing that, to establish the Church for the time between the cross and the Rapture.
Only God could bring salvation to Man. To do so he had to take on flesh and pay an unbelievable price out of pure love.
The plan and work of salvation began with Adam and Eve. It is still progressing today.
In all of it, Christ is the center and and reason behind all things for us.
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